Friday 13 December 2013

Urban Landscape/Urban people.

Induction/Task one.

A pinhole Camera image.

Here is all the work i have on pinhole photography done through induction in my sketchbook.

A photogram of found objects image.

Here is the photogram i created in my induction work in my sketchbook i used a feather then to give it an alternate look i used a paint brush to paint the developer on it so it gave a few blotches.

A 5x4 Negative prints.

Here is one of the 5x4 prints i made I'm really happy with the outcome of this however the downside to this is that it came out in backwards.

Digital shot in the studio and out on location.

Here is one of the studio portraits that i shot i have I'm happy with
the outcome as it created a brilliant shadows and i really like the blue dark background an then the light on the left hand side of his face shows lots of detail.

35mm Film negatives.

This is one of my favorite 35mm film negatives this is one of my best film pictures taken throughout this year as i think it it has come out rightly exposed and very well detailed however there is room for improvement with the left arm as it looks all black I'm not sure whether this was due to being in the chemicals too long.                                  


Health And Safety Task Two.

The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in Great Britain. The Health and Safety Executive, with local authorities  is responsible for enforcing the Act and a number of other Acts and Statutory Instruments relevant to the working environment.

For example within the photography industry an studio you must have a safe working environment the things you
should look out for are...

1. Within working in a studio you should have all equipment being used safety checked before hand. Usually most equipment being safety checked has a label like this to show it is Ok to use.

2. Make sure there is no trailing wires in the studio as this is one of the biggest health an safety hazards in the industry as the main hazard of this is you could trip over an seriously injure your body an possibly break a bone.

3. Make sure you take no food or drink within to the studio because if you spill a drink an you do not clean it up you could also cause another accident as someone could slip an injure themselves like before with the wire if in case you do happen to spill a drink immediately clean it up as best as possible an find a wet floor sign so if you are working in a job situation whoever may get injured can not sue you for compensation money. 

Task Three Trial Images.

For this task we took our trial images of urban landscapes an urban people here below are the ones i took  these photos to show the techniques of freeze action, blur, differential focus and extensive depth of field shots.

This is one of the differential focus photos i took. Differential focus is easily one of my favorite photography techniques as i like how the wheel in front is not in focus but the one in the background is highly detailed an the graphic of the wheel is incredibly clear to the eye.

This Freeze Action shot i caught i am really happy with simply due to i caught the action of the skateboarder with no blur as i shot in a high shutter speed but not too high so i caught the shot bang on an the grey look of the clouds really blends into the skateboarder an the ramp creating a really nice composition an i like the angle i shot it from due the trees being in the background an on the left hand side it looks as if its creeping in.

Heres another Freeze action shot of again a skateboarder i really like this photo because the clear blue sky makes the picture look more vibrant an so does the graffiti however there is also lots of improvement that can be done when shooting a photo similar to this next time. In the future i would make sure no one else was in the shot other than the skateboarder i am photographing obviously plus make sure my camera is fully in focus because when i captured this shot i had my camera in manual focus an did not have enough time to fully focus the shot so next time i would use auto focus an maybe a higher shutter speed too for a sharper image.
Shown on the right is a blur photo i really like this technique because i mainly see this shot from above when most commonly the motor way is been photographed and all the lights are blurred in night light. This technique is clever because all the background is still in focus an not the  cars the reason that its like this is because the camera is set to a slow shutter speed so it is not able to capture the movement unlike freeze action shots.

Extensive depth of field in photography is a good technique to know because it also teaches you to get your images in focus but also looks appealing to the eye often some cameras have a macro setting on them so you can take photos like this. the depth of field is everything that is in the background blurred but like in this photo my friend is in focus compared to the rest of the photo.

street photography Research

Christopher Agou
chris was a photographer who every skill he had acquired he had taught himself
his work started on the topic of urban an street photography this opened him to 
many new choices within the city he was photographing where he included the 
use of subways and abandoned alley ways 
 This photo is one of many he captured in a subway   Not sure whether the woman noticed him taking the photograph as he could of been very sly about this however he also could of asked her to pose an act natural just to show everyday life.  

Arif Asci
Another street photographer Arif Asci uses very strange settings within his work to try portray a message however most of the photo he does take are usually shot in financially challenged areas.

This is my favourite shot from Asci  as it is rather humorous an really captured the setting an shows the feelings I'm guessing that this man is on a stag do an is trying to enter the club but has been rejected for the sillyness of his outfit. 

Polly Braden
Known again for street photography Polly Braden often took all of her photos in urban landscape she adventures the world an uses many different compositions like Christopher agou she is also very sly behind taking the snaps of her work an takes pictures of people who go about there daily business without even knowing! 

This piece of work is definitely one of my favorites simply due to I like how she captured the theme of highlights and mostly shadows also the fact of business men just passing to work but the man in the work on the right staring at something is totally oblivious to that he is being photographed an the reflections throughout this piece are also attracting to the eye as well

Final 4 images (2 urban landscapes/2 urban people)

This first image I'm really happy with because it captures the moment because I think this photo clearly states this man was homeless however when we approached the he allowed us to take as many shots of him we wanted as long as we spared some change. 

This 2nd photo I'm also really happy with as I think the graffiti artist is really captured in the moment at this skate spot new graffiti is sprayed over every week it's asif there's turf battles but the colours on this picture make it look really interesting to look at so it's automatically eye catching.


Evaluation- this project was really interesting to learn about because it allowed us to be very creative with the shots we took but was challenging at the same time an the hardest task was to pick the final 4 due to all the images shot being really interesting an unique compared to what anyone else had shot. 

Next time I think I would try find more abandoned buildings because when people criticised my work they decided they liked the derelict buildings the most. 

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