Wednesday 18 December 2013

Juxta po po

For this assignment we were asked to
Create a split screen video that showed something significant to us with mine I filmed two fairly average days of my life one where I am working at college the typical working day an my other is a day I'm enjoying my hobbie which is skateboarding here is the turn out I got of this.

Heres the video above.

Moodboard- development of ideas!


This was a really interesting topic to study because it allowed us to be creative but also find some inspiration from places we had never discovered also it was odd to look back on two different days of our lives. 

If I were to retake this project I would maybe get more clips of my college day life an also add more visualization effects to my edit so it would be more appealing to the eye an also maybe add a more upbeat song! 

Tuesday 17 December 2013



For this assignment we were asked to make a video on interviewing
people within a minimum of 3 questions based on every day
life an then edit it within adobe premiere the outcome was supposed to be
humorous but also interesting here is what my outcome was.

The Questions i asked for this video were

1. What is your favorite food?

2. What's your favorite condiment? (sauce)

3. What did you in your Day?

4. What's your favorite animal?

5. Do a impression or accent?

6. What you think of christmas in a few words.

Overall I am happy with the outcome of my video an i found this topic really interesting
but also funny to film/edit as none of the video really makes that much sense but if i were
to retake making this video i edit it so you could understand more of the story line.

I think this worked well though an will be entertaining for people to watch an enjoy.

Friday 13 December 2013

Urban Landscape/Urban people.

Induction/Task one.

A pinhole Camera image.

Here is all the work i have on pinhole photography done through induction in my sketchbook.

A photogram of found objects image.

Here is the photogram i created in my induction work in my sketchbook i used a feather then to give it an alternate look i used a paint brush to paint the developer on it so it gave a few blotches.

A 5x4 Negative prints.

Here is one of the 5x4 prints i made I'm really happy with the outcome of this however the downside to this is that it came out in backwards.

Digital shot in the studio and out on location.

Here is one of the studio portraits that i shot i have I'm happy with
the outcome as it created a brilliant shadows and i really like the blue dark background an then the light on the left hand side of his face shows lots of detail.

35mm Film negatives.

This is one of my favorite 35mm film negatives this is one of my best film pictures taken throughout this year as i think it it has come out rightly exposed and very well detailed however there is room for improvement with the left arm as it looks all black I'm not sure whether this was due to being in the chemicals too long.                                  


Health And Safety Task Two.

The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in Great Britain. The Health and Safety Executive, with local authorities  is responsible for enforcing the Act and a number of other Acts and Statutory Instruments relevant to the working environment.

For example within the photography industry an studio you must have a safe working environment the things you
should look out for are...

1. Within working in a studio you should have all equipment being used safety checked before hand. Usually most equipment being safety checked has a label like this to show it is Ok to use.

2. Make sure there is no trailing wires in the studio as this is one of the biggest health an safety hazards in the industry as the main hazard of this is you could trip over an seriously injure your body an possibly break a bone.

3. Make sure you take no food or drink within to the studio because if you spill a drink an you do not clean it up you could also cause another accident as someone could slip an injure themselves like before with the wire if in case you do happen to spill a drink immediately clean it up as best as possible an find a wet floor sign so if you are working in a job situation whoever may get injured can not sue you for compensation money. 

Task Three Trial Images.

For this task we took our trial images of urban landscapes an urban people here below are the ones i took  these photos to show the techniques of freeze action, blur, differential focus and extensive depth of field shots.

This is one of the differential focus photos i took. Differential focus is easily one of my favorite photography techniques as i like how the wheel in front is not in focus but the one in the background is highly detailed an the graphic of the wheel is incredibly clear to the eye.

This Freeze Action shot i caught i am really happy with simply due to i caught the action of the skateboarder with no blur as i shot in a high shutter speed but not too high so i caught the shot bang on an the grey look of the clouds really blends into the skateboarder an the ramp creating a really nice composition an i like the angle i shot it from due the trees being in the background an on the left hand side it looks as if its creeping in.

Heres another Freeze action shot of again a skateboarder i really like this photo because the clear blue sky makes the picture look more vibrant an so does the graffiti however there is also lots of improvement that can be done when shooting a photo similar to this next time. In the future i would make sure no one else was in the shot other than the skateboarder i am photographing obviously plus make sure my camera is fully in focus because when i captured this shot i had my camera in manual focus an did not have enough time to fully focus the shot so next time i would use auto focus an maybe a higher shutter speed too for a sharper image.
Shown on the right is a blur photo i really like this technique because i mainly see this shot from above when most commonly the motor way is been photographed and all the lights are blurred in night light. This technique is clever because all the background is still in focus an not the  cars the reason that its like this is because the camera is set to a slow shutter speed so it is not able to capture the movement unlike freeze action shots.

Extensive depth of field in photography is a good technique to know because it also teaches you to get your images in focus but also looks appealing to the eye often some cameras have a macro setting on them so you can take photos like this. the depth of field is everything that is in the background blurred but like in this photo my friend is in focus compared to the rest of the photo.

street photography Research

Christopher Agou
chris was a photographer who every skill he had acquired he had taught himself
his work started on the topic of urban an street photography this opened him to 
many new choices within the city he was photographing where he included the 
use of subways and abandoned alley ways 
 This photo is one of many he captured in a subway   Not sure whether the woman noticed him taking the photograph as he could of been very sly about this however he also could of asked her to pose an act natural just to show everyday life.  

Arif Asci
Another street photographer Arif Asci uses very strange settings within his work to try portray a message however most of the photo he does take are usually shot in financially challenged areas.

This is my favourite shot from Asci  as it is rather humorous an really captured the setting an shows the feelings I'm guessing that this man is on a stag do an is trying to enter the club but has been rejected for the sillyness of his outfit. 

Polly Braden
Known again for street photography Polly Braden often took all of her photos in urban landscape she adventures the world an uses many different compositions like Christopher agou she is also very sly behind taking the snaps of her work an takes pictures of people who go about there daily business without even knowing! 

This piece of work is definitely one of my favorites simply due to I like how she captured the theme of highlights and mostly shadows also the fact of business men just passing to work but the man in the work on the right staring at something is totally oblivious to that he is being photographed an the reflections throughout this piece are also attracting to the eye as well

Final 4 images (2 urban landscapes/2 urban people)

This first image I'm really happy with because it captures the moment because I think this photo clearly states this man was homeless however when we approached the he allowed us to take as many shots of him we wanted as long as we spared some change. 

This 2nd photo I'm also really happy with as I think the graffiti artist is really captured in the moment at this skate spot new graffiti is sprayed over every week it's asif there's turf battles but the colours on this picture make it look really interesting to look at so it's automatically eye catching.


Evaluation- this project was really interesting to learn about because it allowed us to be very creative with the shots we took but was challenging at the same time an the hardest task was to pick the final 4 due to all the images shot being really interesting an unique compared to what anyone else had shot. 

Next time I think I would try find more abandoned buildings because when people criticised my work they decided they liked the derelict buildings the most. 

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Highlight's And Shadow's-Tim


This assignment we are expected to show photographic examples of the theme shadow's and
lighting an also use techniques an technology safely. Plus learn about the characteristics and properties
of photographic materials an to understand these when creating our own work. 

Photoshop Techniques

We firstly started by opening photoshop and then heading over towards google and typing in something  like spotty 
or acne teenager then we saved a image 
then opened up into photoshop this was 
the original photo.

Now once finished editing within photoshop here is the final outcome of
my photo This is just a rough copy of me clearing up the acne within the persons face

Overall i an impressed with the final outcome however this was just a quick 5 minutes of using the spot healing brush within photoshop next time i would use the healing brush so the skin tone had a smoother texture.

Photographer Research.

Ansel Adams : Ansel was mainly focused on another hobby of music before he got into photography
however he realized he became far more successful at this than playing the piano.
Although now he has passed away he has a very inspirational quote as show below “I hope that my work will encourage self expression in others and stimulate the search for beauty and creative excitement in the great world around us.”—Ansel Adams

This quote shows he wanted over  to inspire photographers of today to capture whatever they wanted an to be highly creative using the world around us his work is shown In many galleries still however the most famous is the ansel Adams gallery where prints of his work sell for thousands. Below is one of my favorite images by Ansel.

I really like this photo as the detailing an exposure in the leaves can also show that this photo may possibly been captured during the autumn season an the black an white color gives it a raw but basic eye catching look. 

Jerry Uelsman- born in Detroit in 1934 Uelsman has become a extremely
successful photographer an extremely talented within using the element of
photomontage an creating very surreal photos. Jerry still has exhibitions been
shown all over the world even right now his work is being shown at boston
also along with the work of maggie taylor. He is also known now as a florida
icon due to the quote he used "
 If I have an agenda, it’s to amaze myself"
This shows that Jerry's tries to recreate the shocking the unbelievable
and creative pieces of work that he would be very intrigued to look at 

Here below is one of my favorite photos captured by jerry uelsman
simply due to the surrealism portrayed in the photo i also wonder every time i look
at this photo it gives me the chills i think what could possibly be inside that house
an why has it grown on top of the trees in what seems to look like the middle of nowhere.

Also i really like how the exposure of the photograph as come out as the composition
overall is a fantastic piece plus the fact of it being black an white shows the raw eerie
feeling similar to the work of Ansel Adams.

 Alexander Rodchenko- Rodchenko born in Russia on the 5th of dec 1891. Before becoming a photographer an great photomontage artist rodchenko was known for being an artist sculptor and graphic designer and the most versatile artists to emerge after the russian revolution. Most of the shots he captured were at very surreal angles usually from very high above to shock the viewer of his work
he quoted "one has to take several different shots of a subject, from different points of view and in different situations, as if one examined it in the round rather than looked through the same key-hole again and again." this shows that he liked to see photos of the same object however just from completely different perspectives. His work has inspired many even music album covers such as dutch punk band the ex to use the theme of highlights and shadows an even his self portrait shows this theme due to the background an the highlight of his face.

Definitely Rodchenko's Most famous piece however i really like this piece as it definitely refers to the odd angles he used an i think it captures a story of a woman making a journey hence why she is heading up the stairs with a child. Also i really like the composition of the piece as the shadowing on each step makes this intriguing because at first glance i could not tell whether she was walking along a striped road or up some stairs.

My Own Highlights An Shadows Photo's.

I thought i would go out on a shoot an try create some of my own highlights an shadows pictures however some are also captured within the college's studio using lighting.

Here is a Highlighted Photo i took of my skating shoes i thought this came out well as the detailing of the dirt on the shoe really stands out to me.
Im really happy with this shot as the shadow of the is shown on the floor and makes this piece look rather mysterious but however intriguing.

This one i shot down a deserted alley way i look how the detailing of the bricks gets even more detailed as the light creeps in from the right hand corner.

Here is one i got of my friend skateboarding i like this photo a lot however i think it would look loads better if i used another flashgun at the left hand side of this picture or came closer to the skateboarder as the person isn't so clear to the lens. Also next time i would change the shutter speed to lighten the picture an possibly of changed my ISO number.
 Here is a studio photo i took of my friend skye she is sat in front of a black backdrop and the light is positioned to the right so it created the shadow on the left hand side and obviously the highlight of her face within the right overall I'm happy with this composition however i didn't realize till after my ISO number was too high so for future references i will turn down the ISO number an increase my shutter speed so there is no fuzzy texture to the photo also i think this could of affected the focus of the picture too.

Here is another highlights photo however this time we used our phone lights or a torch to highlight a specific object in the dark i am happy with this image as you can see the detailing on the bottle brilliantly an it really highlights the color's of the label leaving a glistening shine on the bottle.

Health And Safety.

Whilst Shooting in the studio you need to have a basic knowledge of health and safety here below are just a few bullet points for what you should check every time before taking images within the studio.

  1. Identify hazards.
  2. Decide who might be harmed and how.
  3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions.
  4. Record your findings and implement them.
  5. Review your assessment and update if necessary.

Four Final Images.

This one i am really happy and i chose this as one of my final images because i think this really highlights the skateboarder an im really glad i caught the action of the shot however i do think that if i was to take this picture again i would reduce the iso number an make it darker as the building would look more interesting an appealing to the eye.

This is my favorite studio portrait photo i have ever taken simply due to the whole aesthetic look an composition of the work overall i think the light on the right hand side of the face showed a good skin complexion but however there is room for improvement as next time i would turn down the lights brightness next time so there is not such a shiny effect on the nose and maybe adjust the lights position so there is more of shadow of the back of the head.

This is another image i am really  happy with an decided to put into my top four im really happy how the flashgun showed all the detailing of the skateboarder and the black white contrast gives it a raw feel to it however i think there is room for improvement with the flashgun i think the flash is a tad too bright so next time i would improve this by turning it down.

  This is one of my favorite photos i took of my friend Gemma Hopton she is a singer
in her spare time and asked me to take some photos for her website so she could
advertise herself . I'm really happy with the overall outcome of the photo and the vibrant light shows the  the texture of the face.


The products name was called highlights and shadows an i found this a real interesting subject to learn as it also taught us how to take pictures of landscapes in some sort of aspect. The highlights topic was my favorite as it gave me more knowledge on how to use the lights in the studio. I think that next time i would go about things a little differently by experimenting with shadows technique.