Why do we need art? Does
Art Have Any Meaning?
course it can show emotion
moods depending what it is
To show creative skills an
For art to be sold.
What Is Art?
Art can be shown
As a drawing
photograph sculpture painting
An many more to show
creation and imagination.
How does a piece of art communicate?
It can tell a story an also if not certain moods
Within the picture.
This is the photo i have chosen to talk about i really liked this photo from all of the others as it made me step back and think why is there a random what seems to look like a old war bomb bunker or something similar to that an how the its in the sea in the middle of nowhere is very odd.
However it still very spooky but somewhat intriguing and the tree on the left side gives it a eerie feeling also.
Photographer Research Task 3.
Reece Leung.
Taken in July 2012 by Freelance skateboarding photographer Reece Leung.
I like the composition of this image due to it looking very raw. however in some what it is rather mundane but i like that as it sort of stands out in another fashion.
Attiba Jefferson
Captured in November 2007 Atlanta george
By Attiba Jefferson.
Attiba is a brilliant skateboarding photographer who has been around since the 1980's his work is widely known all over the world.
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