Wednesday 30 April 2014

Tom&Tony's Telling Tales.

Task One.

So for our first task we were given a set song called Jilted John and set out to take photo's of a particular song lyric line in the song. So i chose the lyric "i was so upset i cried all the way to the chip shop"

Here below is my photo i took of the lyric line.

Overall i am impressed with the photo but when we all had a group criticism in class i realised there is quite a few things that could be altered such as… the photo isn't straight,people also asked why the photo is in black an white because it may look better in colour maybe the facial expressions could be better an etc.

So i took everyones thoughts into account when taking the next photos in our 2nd task.

Task Two.

Research of Photographers.

Hannah Star key

Hannah is a irish photographer who captures Tableu photographer which means constructed as all the elements of her images are constructed.

Her photos are often seen as being very alternative but somewhat unique i particularly like this photo below.

This photo is great because it shows a typical scene within a video store but the lighting gives it a really eerie feeling and the silhouettes of people makes you question why they're like that an then the woman exiting the shop why is she dressed in all white?

Also i really like the lights up above on the picture as it makes the store look never ending.

Gregory Crewdson

Greg is know as been and elaboarte staged photographer who photographs photo's of scene's of american homes mainly.

Crewdson's photos are usually set in small towns within america and are usually very cinematic and Dramatic.

This is my favourtite photo of his work as it is rather mysterious and perplexing theres is many questions to be asked such as why is the girl in her bra? Why is she outside? Has the woman dropped the bag in shock?

I really like this photo mainly due to the lighting of the piece an it uses highlights and shadows an i like the silhouette of the car shown on the drive as also the headlights highlight the woman stood in her bra.

Jeff Wall.

sarah jones

For this task we were given a specific task as we were given a poem called Mondeo Man- Luke  Wright. The poem goes…
Last week I walked through Maidenhead suburbs,
the houses huddled together in twos
like anoraked couples perched on a bench
on some Autumn day at the end of a pier.
Past kids levitra indien playing scrappy 20 a side;
lads leaned on Bangra-blaring Golf GTIs;
Toyota Corollas with rear-view signs
on suckers: Dad’s Taxi, Baby on Board
That is just a short passage within the poem but i used the first three lines to capture my images from overall i am impressed with my photos i have captured.

Here they are shown below

The Houses Huddled Together in Two's

I chose this photo out of the many i took because it was in a rather rough area and i like how when i edited the moss onto the brickwork it looks rather dark and also the left hand house's entrance has a gate off and all the litter on the floor which could show the property has been abandoned and near a suburban area.

Task Three.

So we have been set out to do our own task so i chose not to do a poem but a song an i Chose The Smiths Song Heaven Knows I'm Miserable now.

I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour
But heaven knows I'm miserable now
I was looking for a job, and then I found a job
And heaven knows I'm miserable now
In my life
Why do I give valuable time
To people who don't care if I live or die ?
Two lovers entwined pass me by
And heaven knows I'm miserable now
I was looking for a job, and then I found a job
And heaven knows I'm miserable now
In my life
Oh, why do I give valuable time
To people who don't care if I live or die ?
What she asked of me at the end of the day
Caligula would have blushed
"You've been in the house too long" she said
And I (naturally) fled
In my life
Why do I smile
At people who I'd much rather kick in the eye ?
I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour
But heaven knows I'm miserable now
"You've been in the house too long" she said
And I (naturally) fled
In my life
Why do I give valuable time
To people who don't care if I live or die ?

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